In the interconnected world of global commerce, cyber fraud has emerged as a shadowy parallel, where unscrupulous entities divert billions through deceptive practices. Hong Kong's stature as an international financial center makes it an attractive destination for such funds.
We advise clients on asset recovery where funds have been stolen or assets have otherwise been misappropriated. We have particular experience assisting with complex, high-value, cross-border commercial fraud and business crime, including internet fraud, cyber fraud, online scams, email scams, phishing and identity theft, accounting fraud and investment scams. Our fraud and asset recovery capabilities are supported by a strong background in advising regulated financial institutions on securities and other investment laws and in identifying, addressing and countering money laundering.
Hong Kong's robust legal system allows our practice in cyber fraud, as part of our wider Dispute Resolution Practice, to leverage established legal mechanisms to assist in recovery through this complex landscape. We provide victims with options.
Leveraging more than twenty years of experience serving clients in the financial sector, our firm has carved out a formidable standing as the preferred organisation for businesses in search of tailored and inventive legal guidance.
Types of
Cyber Fraud
Contact Us Cyber fraud can take different forms, including the compromise of business emails, confidence fraud, and investment fraud.
EAC Account Compromise
Contact Us Business email compromise is not just an IT issue but a legal battle where email systems are exploited to mislead and defraud.
Confidence Fraud
& Romance Fraud
Contact Us Trust is at the heart of confidence fraud, a deeply personal betrayal that requires a delicate legal touch.
Investing in Fraud
& False Promises
Contact Us Investment fraud strikes at the core of entrepreneurial ambitions, using lies and false promises to deceive.
The areas in which we can assist include: Norwich Pharmacal and Bankers Trust orders and bankers’ books orders, asset tracing to identify assets available for recovery, forensic examination of banking records, Mareva and other proprietary freezing injunctions.
We can also liaise with the Hong Kong Police Force and the banks to whom stolen funds have been transferred, service of process out-of-jurisdiction, appointment of provisional liquidators over corporate vehicles used for fraud, default judgments and the pursuit of declarations as to the existence of a constructive trust, vesting orders and garnishee orders to enforce judgments against fraudsters and actions against directors for fraud.
With deep expertise on fraud and asset recovery, our legal team can advise and represent clients in proceedings to discover, trace and recover assets.
Contact us if you need assistance.